Monday, 28 November 2011


What is the meaning of the declaration of faith? 
Declaring that you believe in one god.

Why do you think that this statement is a significant part of being a Muslim?
As a Muslim you believe in one god, Allah.

Video –

Describe the process that Muslims go through to prepare to pray.
Muslims must cleanse themselves in the courtyard before prayer commences.

Describe the process of praying in Islam. How many times each day, and when, do Muslims pray?
Muslims pray 5 times a day in the morning, middle of the day, afternoon, at dinner time and at night time.

In which direction do Muslims pray? Why do they face this way?
They are required to face Mecca. They face this way because it is sacred for the Muslims, they believe it is the "house of God" and to not face Mecca would make their prayer invalid.

Why do Muslims pray?
To connect with god.

Video –

What is Zakat?  What is emphasized in Zakaat?
Zakat is the giving of Charity to others and it is a means of taking care of other people as God has taken care of us.

Why do Muslims make donations?  How much money is a person expected to give to charitable causes? 
The Muslims believe that the more you give the more you will get. 2.5% is the minimum amout required for Zakat.

How is Zakat different from ordinary charity that Muslims might give?
Zakat is the supreme donation.

Video -

As part of the Muslim religion, what does it mean to fast? 
To purify your soul.

Why do Muslims fast? 
To remind them how blessed they are to have food.

What and when is Ramadan?   What is Eid al-Fitr? 
IHajj  the month of fasting in septemeber.The celebration after where you get to eat.

Videos – Islam_vid_hajj (part 1 & 3)

How often must Muslims participate in Hajj? 
It must be completed at least once in a life time but only if affordable.

Where do Muslims go during Hajj? 
they go to the Kaba in Mecca

How many Muslims participate in Hajj?
Around 2 million anually.

What is the goal of Hajj? 
To show your commitment and to re-establish you faith in god.

 What is the purpose of the special garments?
When wearing the white garments, everyone appears the same and this unity means that no one is above anyone else.

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