Monday, 28 November 2011

The Shari'a Law

The Shari'a law is from various sources such as the Qur'an. It consists of two components including
- The obligations towards Allah
-The obligations towards others.
The punishments under the Shari'a law are very harsh however the crimes commited in order to recieve these punishments must be extreme and are difficult to carry out. For example
Theft- one would get a hand cut off but only under certain circumstances.
Adultery- Whipping or stoning would be the punishment however for this to happen, there would need to be several witnesses who saw the act.
Murder- Capitol punishment or blood money
Muslim women are oppressed by their religion. False. Muslim men and women have equal rights

The Qur'an explicity states that men and women are equal in the eyes of God. True

When Muslim women marry, their property is given to their husbands. False. This does not happen

Muslim women have had rights for over 1400 years that were only granted to american women in the 19th century. True

The restrictions placed on women in some Islamic countries are cultural, not religious. True.

The Qua'ran directs both men and women to dress modestly. True.

Use of the Hijab, or head scarf, varies according to the society in which Muslim women lives. True.

Women of many cultures are religions cover their heads in different ways. True

The Core Beliefs of Christianity

Christians believe that,
- there is one God and one god only
- Jesus was the Messiah
- The holy trinity consists of the father, God, the son, Jesus and the holy spirit
- Jesus was sent by God to save our sins
- The 10 Commandments are the basic outline of leading a righteous and moral life
- Jesus was ressurected
-God is eternal (eternal life)
- the Bible is the holy text
- the Messiah shall come again

Christian Celebration- Baptism

The word baptism means “To immerse in water.” It originated from when Christ himself was baptised by John The Baptist, in the river Jordan.
Back in Jesus’ time, when you were baptised you completely immersed yourself under the water.

Baptism is a symbol of washing away sin and of spiritual purification.
There are 4 main symbols involved in the modern day baptism ritual. Of course, these can vary from church to church and priest to priest. They are:
1.  The Cross – The sign of the cross is made on the forehead of the person being baptised. It is like an invisible badge, to show that Christians are united with Christ and must not be afraid to stand up for him.  
Nowadays, it is more common for people to be baptised with the water poured or sprinkled on them, rather than being immersed. It is also more common to be baptised as a baby, rather than once you are older. Baptism is one of the first sacraments, it is much like being inducted into the Christian faith.

Video Questions

What does the word Quran translate to in English?
-The Recitation
2.      What is the purpose of the message sent to Mohammad why was it sent again?
Gods own message to the world to remind people of the message already received by the Jews and Christians.
-Gods guidance for human kind
3.      How is the message sent to Mohammad different to the messages already sent to the Christians and the Jews?
-It is in arabic
4.      Is the message in the Quran the same message as in the Bible?
5.      Name two other prophets mentioned in the Quran.
6.      How was the message passed on to others in the beginning?
  -It was an oral / aural transmission
7.      Why was the original message not written down by Mohammad?
  -He was not literate in Arabic
8.      What language is used for the Quran?
9.      Which city did Islam originate?
10.  What dose ‘Muslim’ mean?
- Those who submit to God
11.  How does the Quran differ from the Bible in the story of the death of Jesus?
 -Belief Jesus was not crucified but lifted to God another man who looked like him was crucified
12.  What does the Quran say about warfare?
13.  Muslims may defend themselves only when there is a threat. They should be merciful to those they capture.
      - as Muhammad was when he took over Mecca.

What is the meaning of the declaration of faith? 
Declaring that you believe in one god.

Why do you think that this statement is a significant part of being a Muslim?
As a Muslim you believe in one god, Allah.

Video –

Describe the process that Muslims go through to prepare to pray.
Muslims must cleanse themselves in the courtyard before prayer commences.

Describe the process of praying in Islam. How many times each day, and when, do Muslims pray?
Muslims pray 5 times a day in the morning, middle of the day, afternoon, at dinner time and at night time.

In which direction do Muslims pray? Why do they face this way?
They are required to face Mecca. They face this way because it is sacred for the Muslims, they believe it is the "house of God" and to not face Mecca would make their prayer invalid.

Why do Muslims pray?
To connect with god.

Video –

What is Zakat?  What is emphasized in Zakaat?
Zakat is the giving of Charity to others and it is a means of taking care of other people as God has taken care of us.

Why do Muslims make donations?  How much money is a person expected to give to charitable causes? 
The Muslims believe that the more you give the more you will get. 2.5% is the minimum amout required for Zakat.

How is Zakat different from ordinary charity that Muslims might give?
Zakat is the supreme donation.

Video -

As part of the Muslim religion, what does it mean to fast? 
To purify your soul.

Why do Muslims fast? 
To remind them how blessed they are to have food.

What and when is Ramadan?   What is Eid al-Fitr? 
IHajj  the month of fasting in septemeber.The celebration after where you get to eat.

Videos – Islam_vid_hajj (part 1 & 3)

How often must Muslims participate in Hajj? 
It must be completed at least once in a life time but only if affordable.

Where do Muslims go during Hajj? 
they go to the Kaba in Mecca

How many Muslims participate in Hajj?
Around 2 million anually.

What is the goal of Hajj? 
To show your commitment and to re-establish you faith in god.

 What is the purpose of the special garments?
When wearing the white garments, everyone appears the same and this unity means that no one is above anyone else.

The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam

List the five pillars of Islam
The 5 pillars of Islam are:
1: Testimony (Shahadah or Declaration of Faith)
2: Prayer
3: Payment of Zakah (specific charity) for the poor
4: Fasting the month of Ramadan
5: pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj); if affordable
2.    From where did the pillars originate?
Muhammad was instructed by Allah, in 620 A.D., to follow the Five Pillars of Islam in the Seventh Paradise.

3.    Describe one of the pillars in detail.
Fasting the Month of Ramadan
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. Whoever prays during the nights in Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. And he who passes Lailat al-Qadr in prayer with faith and seeking his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven. Ramadan takes place in Makkah each year, where more than 3 million Muslims from all over the world go and spend time in worship and devotion to God.
4.    Compare the five pillars with similar activities in other religions.
The catholic faith worships the one god as do they have a place of worship. It is similar because Catholics worship the same type of gods e.g Jesus, god etc.

5.    How does Australian culture cause difficulties in fulfilling the pillars?
The Australian community does not stop in the middle of days to pray. We wear very reviling clothing and life is just different because we do a lot of things there Islamic religion says you should stay clear of.
6.    Are there peculiar ways different cultures or nationalities practice their faith?
Some religions do animal sacrifices or other ways to worship there gods but most religions are fairly the same in how they Worship there gods.